



GNSS RTK modules is crucial for Robotics such as smart lawnmowers and inspection robots, providing high-precision positioning to enable the precise weed cutting with higher efficiency and working with 3D laser SLAM modeling to allow robots autonomously avoid obstacles and efficiently complete inspection tasks without damage.


For Autonomous L4
Key Features

Deeply-coupled GNSS/INS combined navigation engine

The deeply-coupled combined navigation algorithm lifts the quality of GNSS signal observation. Aided by IMU, deeply-coupled algorithm will increase the positioning accuracy by twice to 5 times than loosely-coupled algorithm.

High-precision GNSS measurement and positioning engine

Bynav REAL GNSS positioning engine has integrity monitoring and partial ambiguity solution algorithm to improve the fault tolerance and fixed solution rate under multipath and interference conditions in urban environments. High-quantity signal preprocessing and interference suppression are adopted to greatly improve the availability and integrity of high-precision positioning in vehicle scenarios.

Targeted scene optimization

The system is modeled based on the characteristics of vehicles and optimized for specific scene applications. It effectively handles complex scenarios such as underground parking lots, tunnels, viaduct, city streets and ports, addresses issues like obstruction and highway signal interference.

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